woocommerce enquiry cart

Add new GDPR Compliance Options Box with option to turn Acceptance notice ON or OFF for default form. This plugin is a customizable request and management system that helps you work with complex quotes in WooCommerce. In themes that use Google js Library instead of the WordPress jQuery then there was trouble because Google uses the latest jQuery version 1.9. Tweak – Fixed up all existing typos on admin panel. Tweak – Updated support url to WordPress support forum. Instead of the checkout Process your customers will see a “Send Enquiry” button on the cart pages, where they can send you a message with all the products they have in their current cart. Tweak – Updated plugins wp-admin menu item vector image. Using this button, a potential customer can send you an enquiry or request a quote for a product he is unsure of purchasing. Feature – Email Inquiry – Settings. Feature – Plugin fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.0, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.0, Tweak – Remove the hard coded PHP error_reporting display errors false from compile sass to css, Tweak – Update templates use new namespace, Tweak – Support for backward compatibility for the theme have override with old template, Dev – Replace file_get_contents with HTTP API wp_remote_get. You can also decide if you wan to open the enquiry modal, where you can use the cf7 shortcode, or you can link to a complete different page. Display Product Enquiry Form on the WooCommerce Single Product Page 2. Template – Create new template file email-inquiry/default-form.php. Tweak – Button Style – changed default button padding on install from 0px to 5px. Feature – Introducing new Bootstrap Modal pop up for email inquiry form, Feature – Refactored plugin style with introduction of Templating, Feature – Email Form. Tweak – Multiple coding standard enhancements. Only allow input of plain text with auto paragraph on line break. Can we add the multiple attributes in the Variable Products? Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. Thank you. Tweak – Changed Product Cards activation syntax – ON is enables, OFF is disabled. Fix – Sass compile path not saving on windows xampp. Fix – Bug for users who have https: (SSL) on their sites wp-admin but have http on sites front end. New tabs layout – Cart & Price | Email Inquiry | Read More – for ease of navigation. Now our plugin portfolio counts more than 30 individual … Feature – Added intuitive triggers for admin panel settings. As the WooCommerce store owner, Product Enquiry … Added option to set padding in px above and below the Email Inquiry button / Hyperlink. Click on the Email Inquiry tab and configure your email inquiry button and success message. Will the registered users who have sent inquiries be able to see their inquiries in their account? Tweak – Added class .email_inquiry_cb for Colorbox Pop-up tool content custom background display. Free WooCommerce Request a Quote Plugins. Control how the admin panel settings show when editing. please resolve the issue as soon as possible, can't do anything with this without upgrading The manual installation method involves downloading our plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favourite FTP application. 2. WooToolkit (Beta version) The WooToolkit by MagnieGenie is a multi-functional plugin for all your … Use the WordPress text editor (WYSIWYG and HTML) to style the success message (see image under the Screenshots tab on this page). add_filter( 'woocommerce_is_purchasable', false ); Now coming to the part of showing enquiry form in product … Using a product enquiry form can increase your sales because having a readily accessible enquiry … The plugins email contact form has options to turn on GDPR compliance features. Tweak – Added new main Menu Item – Read More with Tabs – Settings | Button Style (Active for Ultimate Inquiry Ultimate and Quotes & Orders Versions). Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS. Tweak – Added remove_all_filters(‘mce_external_plugins’); before call to wp_editor to remove extension scripts from other plugins. Feature – Email Inquiry – Settings. Instantly adds a Product Email Inquiry button to every product page. The product enquiry form module extends WooCommerce by adding an extra tab to each of your product details pages. Hi my client recently purchase your plugin for his website i enable inquiry cart option but on the product page i only see inquiry form pop up what is the issue ? Otherwise you can use custom CSS. Product Enquiry … Prices are per Lifetime for Updates We are your media agency specialized in conception, creation and support of digital projects. Tweak – Stricter sanitization of Default Form Message input field. Hi, total price is not possible sorry. We develop WordPress & WooCommerce plugins with passion. A password will be sent to your email address. To do an automatic install of Email Inquiry & Cart Options for WooCommerce, log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New. They include: If you are a coder and wish to add your own style (that can�t be added from the plugins settings) the plugin supports template over rides. EU GDPR law complaint email form with option to turn it ON or OFF if not required. Feature – Added all required code so plugin can work with WooCommerce Version 2.1 refactored code. Define new variable, Credit – Props to Derek for alerting us to the framework google fonts performance issue, Framework – Register style name for dynamic style of plugin for use with Gutenberg block, Framework – Update Modal script and style to version 4.1.1, Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.1.0, Framework – Test and update for compatibility with PHP 7.3, This feature upgrade gives options between show email inquiry on frontend as a Button or Hyperlink text with full style options plus compatibility with WordPress 4.9.7. Fix – Plugins wp-admin menu icon display in all versions prior to WordPress 3.8.0. Feature – Moved admin from WooCommerce settings tab onto its own Email Inquiry & Cart Options main menu item with sidebar sub menu. V2 is a massive step forward in the plugins development with 11 new features, new pop up tool and big code refactoring. Prices shown on our website are excluded of Envato handling fees Furthermore there are options to remove products, update the quantity and, most important, to send an enquiry. Your email address will not be published. Tweak – When Acceptance Notice is ON option shows to add information text to the bottom of the form. Tweak – Upgraded and synched the plugins code to be inline with the new WooCommerce Quotes and Orders plugin. This Plugin remove prices, removes the add to cart button or replaces it with an enquiry form. There are a number of functions in jQuery Version 1.9 that have been depreciated and hence this was causing errors with the jQuery function in the plugin. Fix – Added box-sizing:content-box class attribute for compatibility with new WordPress Twenty Thirteen default theme. I wanted to know if your plugin supports elementor pro templates. There are lots of premium and free plugins available for this but why install another plugin if you already have a contact form on your site? WooCommerce by default shows URL. Major Upgrade. If you�re interested in contributing to Email Inquiry & Cart Options for WooCommerce head over to the plugins GitHub Repository to find out how you can pitch in. Fix – Default form success message showing HTML tags with text. instead. Tweak – Button Style – added blue box help text and fixed a small typo. Admin can allow product selling for selected product categories. Please Mention Quantity in the Message Box. Feature – Converted all front end CSS #dynamic {stylesheets} to Sass #dynamic {stylesheets} for faster loading. If you use another form plugin, you may need to change the products name field within this settings. Feature – Convert all back end CSS to Sass. How can we integrate reCaptcha to the form modal? Fix – Can’t activate the plugin on some sites . Furthermore there are … Fine grained control over what your account holders can see and access once they are logged into your site. Leave the text edit empty on and nothing shows on the form footer. ”. Required fields are marked *. This maintenance release is for compatibility with WooCommerce major version 4.9.0. Feature – New admin UI features check boxes replaced by switches, some dropdowns replaced by sliders. Set Product Page Rules and assign to Roles. Yes you can remove the cart icon. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tweak – Rules & Roles – added blue box help text for Product Page Rule ‘Show Email Inquiry’. We started with a WooCommerce Catalog Mode plugin more than 10 years ago. How to phrase my question? Sure variations are supported and work with the enquiry cart. Email Inquiry & Cart Options uses the WordPress email config and requires no external email plugin. Tweak – Moved the show Email Inquiry feature on Product Cards settings from Button Style tab to settings tab. I think your product will be able to be used as my Free Gift Catalogue. Enter your google recaptcha site key here to enable captcha on forms. Product is not in added the inquiry cart explain to me why ? Feature – Rules and Roles – incorporate help message under each Rules Roles. Fix – Google fonts preview changes conflict. Why? * ‘Apply Rules to Roles’ – Configure which user roles each Rule is to Apply too. Tweak – Default Form Success Message uses form custom background colour. Admin can restrict the store for selected users. Tweak – Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WordPress Version 4.2.0, Tweak – Tested and Tweaked for full compatibility with WooCommerce Version 2.3.8, Tweak – enqueue the ‘a3rev-admin-flat-ui-style’ script on product edit page to fix the height of chosen multiple drop down on meta box, Tweak – Update style of plugin framework. Other product categories will be shown in catalog. Tweak – Moved the Email Inquiry Rules & Roles settings from Rules & Roles menu to Email Inquiry menu > Settings tab. Translate “Email Inquiry & Cart Options for WooCommerce” into your language. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu within the WordPress admin. Add a space saving and impressive pop-up email inquiry form to your product offering. The following people have contributed to this plugin. It also includes performance updates to the plugin framework. Feature – Added Plugin Framework Customization settings. Pro provides more control, more features and an additional support of WC Marketplace, the highest rated multi vendor plugin for WooCommerce. Combined 5 tabs and 5 sub menus into 1 tab and 2 sub menus, Feature – Includes a script to automatically combine sub category tables into the Tabs main table when upgrading, Feature – Added Option to set Google Fonts API key to directly access latest fonts and font updates from Google, Feature – Added Default Form auto Reply sender (customer) for Email Inquires received by admin. Show the Add to Enquiry Cart button on single products with ease. Maintenance update fixes a bug with email inquiry showing under footer on some sites plus a tweak to the modal pop up in mobile and fix on framework setting options. Added Form Field Options box, Feature – Name field has option to turn ON or OFF Required field. Feature – Added Full Button Style setting options to style the button to match the theme, Feature – Added conditional logic to menu, when select Button the Button style options show, when select hyperlink those options show, Feature – Added Button margin settings for tweaking the alignment of the button, Feature – Added Hyperlink Font editor with margin settings for alignment, Feature – Added Hyperlink Dynamic Text editor, with Before linked text and After Link text options, Tweak – Added new menu on Email Inquiry Tab as a sub menu Email Button Style, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.7, This Feature Upgrade adds a new Product Page Rule, Hide Product Price plus full compatibility with WooCommerce Quotes and Orders major version 3.0.0, WooCommerce On Page Checkout and WooCommerce 3.4.3, Feature – Add new Product Page Rule Hide Product Price, Feature – Define new hooks and filters for compatibility with WooCommerce Quotes & Orders plugin, Tweak – Add new hooks and functions for full compatibility with WooCommerce On Page Checkout plugin, Tweak – Move and Update Help Notes from the Plugin Framework Global Settings option box to new option box called Help Notes. We use a CF7 Contact Form here with a textarea named “products”. Tweak – Change h2 and h5 title font on modal popup to div tag so that they don’t show up as empty h tags with Search engine crawl. Tweak – Removed CSS Class input box from the Default Email form button style settings. Option – Choose if you ever delete this plugin it will completely remove all tables and data it has created. Under the bonnet tweaks to keep your plugin running smoothly and is the foundation for new features to be developed this year, Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.2, Framework – Add Framework version for all style and script files, Tweak – Update for full compatibility with a3rev Dashboard plugin, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.4, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.1, Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.0, Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.8.2, Tweak – Added support for the new WC ‘tested up to’ feature to show this plugin has been tested compatible with WC updates, Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WordPress major version 4.8.0, Tweak – tested for compatibility with WooCommerce version 3.0.7, Tweak – Include bootstrap modal script into plugin framework, Tweak – Update a3rev plugin framework to latest version, Tweak – Full compatibility with WC version 3.0.2 with full backward compatibility to WC version 2.6.0, Tweak – Change call direct to Product properties with new function that are defined on WC v3.0, Tweak – Change call direct to Order properties with new function that are defined on WC v3.0, Tweak – Called action for save data of plugin after WC data is saved on new CRUD, Tweak – Change priority for save_post action so that it is called after WooCommerce save the product data, to get the correct data on WC v3.0, Tweak – Change global $$variable to global ${$variable} for compatibility with PHP 7.0, Tweak – Update a3 Revolution to a3rev Software on plugins description, Tweak – Added Settings link to plugins description on plugins menu, Tweak – Update plugins WordPress page banner image to new format size 1550px by 500px, Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.7.3, Tweak – Hardcode Fancybox and Colorbox pop-up Scroll with page option on mobiles for improved UX, Tweak – Define new ‘Ajax Multi Submit’ control type with Progress Bar showing and Statistic for plugin framework, Tweak – Define new ‘Ajax Submit’ control type with Progress Bar showing for plugin framework, Tweak – Update plugin framework styles and scripts support for new ‘Ajax Submit’and ‘Ajax Multi Submit’ control type, Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.6, Tweak – Update text domain for full support of translation with new name for translate file is ‘woocommerce-email-inquiry-cart-options.po’, Fix – Apply ‘html_entity_decode’ for email subject, Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WordPress version 4.6.1, Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with PHP 7.0, Credit – Thanks to mpek for raising the translation issue on wordpress.org support forum, Credit – Thanks to WooCommerce Quotes and Orders customer John Phipps for reporting the email subject line special characters encoded bug, Tweak – Tested for Full compatibility with WordPress 4.6.0, Tweak – Tested for full compatibility with WooCommerce version 2.6.4, Fix – Compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Feature – Email Inquiry – Settings. Tweak – Upgraded admin Yellow sidebar box information to show the 3 available feature Upgrade plugins. Instead of trials, we offer a refund if the plugin does not work. Tweak – Updated the plugins readme file to reflect the many changes in this version. Furthermore you can hide / show the price, SKU or Quantity within the enquiry cart. WordPress still uses jQuery version 1.8.3. (shop page/category page), Your email address will not be published. * Product Quantity Message Subscribe to Our Newsletter This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 5.0.2, WooCommerce 3.5.3 and PHP 7.3. Fix – add filter to ‘single_add_to_cart_text’ for hide Add to Cart button for Child Products in Grouped Product when Hide Add to Cart Rule is ON. Inspect your form via Chrome inspector and search for the name field. This feature lets your customers add as many products to their enquiry cart … Only on category page. The enquiry cart or basket contains the products, the user has selected for his enquiry. We do not offer any trial versions. Dev – Ensure that all inputs are sanitized and all outputs are escaped. It shows product data like name, quantity, price (if enabled). Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.3, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.4.0, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6, Maintenance Update. Refactor – Inline script to Templating to allow developers to over ride default styles by copying any template into their theme and styling it from there. Contact us at [email protected] for this. Fix – WooCommerce Reviews form opening in duplicate popup tools, PrettyPhoto and Fancybox caused by our old WooCommerce v1.6 fancybox lib. We use the Total WP theme – you can find that on codecanyon. Tweak – Default Form – added static 20px content padding that auto reduces to 5px in tablets and mobiles. Email Inquiry & Cart Options for WooCommerce allows you to fine tune the e-commerce accessibility on your WooCommerce site by setting ‘Rules’ that apply to all site visitors. Feature – Added full support for Right to Left RTL layout on plugins admin dashboard. Tweak – Yellow sidebar on Pro Versions Menus dose not show in Mobile screens to optimize screen space. Email Inquiry button display on subscription and variable subscription products, Feature – Plugin framework Mobile First focus upgrade, Feature – Massive improvement in admin UI and UX in PC, tablet and mobile browsers. If you find our plugins on any other sites than welaunch.io or CodeCanyon, then be sure they contain malware. You can use one license per WP Installation / Domain Clean up on Deletion. Enquiry Cart / Basket & Form The enquiry cart or basket contains the products, the user has selected for his enquiry. Feature – Moved Plugin admin settings from WordPress admin menu sidebar to WooCommerce sub menu item – Email and Cart, Feature – Plugin admin panel now has just 2 tabs, Rules and Roles, Email Inquiry, Feature – Removed all upgrade version Email Inquiry & Cart Premium, Email Inquiry Ultimate and Quotes & Orders settings from admin panels, Feature – Email Inquiry Tab. There are multiple options available for the new feature like enable / disable, set custom button and cart texts. Support is included for 6 months and can always be extended Fix – Did a full WP_DEBUG. Enquiry Cart … wp-admin with SSL applied only allows https: but the url of admin-ajax.php is http: and it is denied hence returning the ajax -1 error. Feature – Settings – Added House Keeping function to settings. Framework – Update a3rev Plugin Framework to version 2.0.4, This maintenance update is for compatibility with WordPress 4.9.6 and WooCommerce 3.4.0 and the new GDPR compliance requirements for users in the EU. Well for your first question yes. in the products or any other plugin which is compatible with your plugin ? Fine tune your entire Catalog visibility by Admin can decide to let the customers enquire … Tweak – Added main tab for Rules & Roles settings. Search for anything. Feature – Email Inquiry – Settings. Is it possible to make it so that the gift has a quantity of say 5 as each enquiry on that product is made it reduces the stock level by 1? Tweak – Tested for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.1.0, Tweak – Update WooCommerce compatibility tag, This maintenance release is for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, WooCommerce 4.0.1, Travis CI build unit test for compliance with WordPress PHP coding standards and PHP tweaks for compatibility with PHP v 7.0 to 7.4, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.4, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1, Tweak – Run Travis CI unit build tests for PHP compatibility issues with PHP 7.0 to 7.4, Fix – Update global ${$this- to $GLOBALS[$this to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings, Fix – Update global ${$option} to $GLOBALS[$option] to resolve 7.0+ PHP warnings, Fix – Update less PHP lib that use square brackets [] instead of curly braces {} for Array, depreciated in PHP 7.4, Fix – Validate for do not use get_magic_quotes_gpc function for PHP 7.4, This feature release completes the full refactor (frontend and backend) of the plugins PHP to Composer plus compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2 and WooCommerce 3.8.1, Feature – Plugin Framework fully refactored to Composer for cleaner code and faster PHP code on the admin panels, Tweak – Update plugin for compatibility with new version of plugin Framework, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WordPress 5.3.2, Tweak – Test for compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8.1. Old script conflicted with WordPress 3.6.0 jQuery 1.10.2. Great! thanks. Beschreibung The Product Enquiry for WooCommerce plugin adds an enquiry button to every WooCommerce Product Page. Feature – Show uploaded files as Hyplerlinked File name on Order Received page and customer email. Telephone Field has ON or OFF option to show. Copy any template file into your theme and apply custom CSS from there. Read here if you can get a refund. Pop-up Email Inquiry form is 100% mobile responsive and displays the form beautifully in any mobile in portrait or landscape. “Email Inquiry & Cart Options for WooCommerce” is open source software. WooCommerce Product Enquiry Professional is a super powered product enquiry tool that makes it easy for your shoppers to ask you questions fast. Product Enquiry Pro is the best module in his category. You can use this plugin only when you have installed the WooCommerce plugin. WooCommerce is developer friendly, too. Product Enquiry Pro for WooCommerce Plugin. 4. Fix – Removed check_ajax_referer() call on frontend for compatibility with PHP caching plugins. WooCommerce – Quote Request or Enquiry This plugin allows you to enable “Request a Quote” or “Product Enquiry” feature in your WooCommerce store. Complex quotes in WooCommerce pop-up max wide a ticket with a REST API, tweak – from. # dynamic { stylesheets } for faster loading if enabled ) to reflect the many changes in version... Products or any other plugin which is compatible with your plugin supports elementor Pro templates dynamic { stylesheets for... Box information to show products only # dynamic { stylesheets } for faster loading Rules and Roles menu to Inquiry! Check_Ajax_Referer ( ) function to fix uncaught header warning message can set a custom WordPress structure. Or landscape – Ensure that all inputs are sanitized and all outputs are escaped script validate for... 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