what does vaccine friendly mean

Vaccination versus Immunization. All rights reserved. Though he handles the bigger picture, it is Kanduc at the University of Bologna who points out that in her 20 years of research, her group has been unable to find a pathogen with a peptide sequence completely unique to it. I would quibble with Dr. Paul on a number of points, among them his eagerness to put strep B-positive pregnant women on antibiotics in labor and the first discussion of obesity. See more. and highly problematic. Vaccines contain the same germs that cause disease. In his testimony, he discloses that he still gives the DTaP and MMR vaccines to all his patients, “so they are not putting the immunocompromised at risk.” Yet again he shows that he has not read all of the available literature. (Maybe . vaccine [vak-sēn´] a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), administered for prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases. . U.S. drugmakers Pfizer-BioNtech and Moderna have each said their coronavirus vaccines have an efficacy rate of around 95% and a Russian project touted 92% efficacy for its Sputnik V vaccine. As their research also shows, most vaccination rates for individual vaccines are higher. Dr. Paul does not question whether or not reducing or eliminating the incidence of infectious disease is in fact the good thing it appears to be. A vaccine is a biological preparation that improves immunity to a particular disease. Here is a question for him: How is it possible that my taking a medicine will make your medicine more effective? Fortunately for the world, however, Dr. Paul is not a doctor who is afraid to incorporate new evidence into his worldview. For other children, it takes repeated IA to cause the glial cells to remain stuck on and continually excrete IL-6, thus causing chronic brain inflammation and autism will ensue for them, too. w/ the proper paperwork for daycare and stood my ground. Other than the Hepatitis A&B and HPV, it's recomended that you have two MMR (Measles/Mumps/Rubella) vaccinations, the Varicella/Chicken Pox vaccination if you haven't had the disease or the vaccine and an up to date Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis booster. Starting with autism, we now can create autistic mice (Caltech, 2009) and autistic monkeys (Caltech/UCDavis, 2014) by purposefully elevating interleukin-6 by artificial means. To get improve the health of the United States and dramatically reduce the 4.25 billion prescriptions written in 2015, we must entirely rethink the vaccine paradigm. He makes the good point that vaccines have, at least in some cases, greatly reduced the incidence of acute infectious disease. It is clear from the get-go that Dr. Paul is more concerned with the health and well-being of his small patients than adhering to some arbitrarily determined “ideal.” Maybe as the father of 10 children, three of whom were adopted from Africa when their parents died, he understands better than most that one size rarely “fits all.”. Wow, from what I understand, there is NO safe amount of aluminum to ever inject into a human being, much less one whose immune and nervous systems, brain, and GI tract are developing. The third group, vaccinated according to CDC recommendations, had an autism rate of 1 in 60 – very close to the true “background” rate as reported by the 2015 survey. anthrax vaccine a cell-free protein extract of cultures of Bacillus anthracis, used for immunization against anthrax. Never are our internal systems to be violated, tainted, and intoxicated in the ways that vaccinations violate, taint, toxify, and permanently alter, for the worse, for life. Of course this is kicking the can down the road, as eventually, with any med and vaccines there is failure and deadly side effects. Talk about a death sentence for these children, and adding insult to injury. I do think that reduced/delayed vaccine programs are safer, and will reduce the injury rates — but needless injuries will still occur. Here is the link to Dr. Thomas’ testimony in OR last year, and my reply to the person who sent the link to me: Just because a disease is frightening or potentially fatal does not make the vaccine “for it” safe, effective, or needed. Despite Dr. Paul’s history in Zimbabwe, he doesn’t pretend vaccines are the unquestioned uniform good that we are told they are by the mainstream media, the CDC, and their rabid army of “science bloggers” and so-called skeptics, many of whom are paid to promote vaccines. Without IA, the antigen would not be recognized and antibodies would not be formed. And no cervical cancer way down the road! This book sounds like a solid bridge to present new medical information to people who would never consider NOT vaccinating. Parents sometimes divided vaccines … I knew from encounters with the authors that both consider themselves “pro-vaccine,” believing that vaccines have been shown to effectively reduce cases of acute infectious disease, but they are also scrupulously conscientious about understanding the real risks vs. benefits, rather than the advertised benefits, and are more than willing to dig up and read the scientific evidence for themselves. For instance, in the United States before the measles vaccine, there were approximately 3-4 million cases of measles a year. Of all people whose systems should not be further compromised via vaccination, it would be people in “3rd world” countries whose nutritional status and health status might very well already be compromised. I don’t believe that Dr Thomas’ practice will be autism-free with his vaccine policies. Vaccines to protect against COVID-19 are now available in limited quantities in the United States and recommended for specific groups. Thank you!! A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles a disease-causing microorganism, and is often made from weakened or killed forms of the microbe, its toxins or one of its surface proteins. We should not be inserting aluminum nanoparticles into our children. If ones lifestyle does not change to insure good health, then drugs are certainly their only chance of survival. We know recipients of DTaP can be harboring pertussis in their throats and spreading it, unknowingly…not to mention the vaccine has caused more virulent strains of pertussis to become more prevalent, to which the vaccinated have been proven to be even more susceptible. Not always. I agree it is difficult for people to believe that the risks from all existing vaccines outweigh the benefits, that they’ve been lied to by the CDC and the medical business, and that any vaccine can cause catastrophic injury. Clearly, he has more critically-important information to learn, or he wouldn’t still be injecting the dangerous, disgusting, immoral and repugnant, always-damaging ingredients in vaccines (not to mention the ones we don’t know about because not all ingredients are required to be listed and disclosed, some are hidden under “trade secrets”) into his patients…ingredients that have no business inside the human body…especially having missed being filtered out and hopefully cleared via the respiratory and digestive tracts. ... (imagine if it started attacking the thousands of species of friendly bacteria in your gut!) promo for his new book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igr2yd8T0wM. As a previous nurse educator who taught microbiology and the immune system I believe in vaccines but now as a person with Electrohypersensitivity or EHS I have discovered that there definitely is a problem with giving vaccines which contain heavy metals such as mercury as once an EHS sufferer our blood-brain barrier is broken and the mercury can go straight to the brain and cause damage so I do not have the flu vaccine now etc. For example, smallpox killed some 2 million people in 1967. Vaccines are clever, they trick our bodies into building immunity against infectious diseases, without causing the illness.Usually, a dead or weakened version of the disease-causing germ (bacteria or virus) is introduced to our immune system.In some cases, inactivated toxins produced by the germ are used in the vaccine to develop immunity (for example, diphtheria and tetanus vaccines). The MMR is a live-virus vaccine, so its recipients are shedding and spreading the diseases for which they were vaccinated. This is a big deal because immune activation is the purpose of vaccination. While it is good that he supports informed consent, it appears that he is unaware that true informed consent cannot even happen with vaccines due to all of the lies, fraud, and deception that underlies them, from manufacture to mandate, and beyond, and that the proper studies have never been done. Here is Dr. Thomas’ 1-min. Full disclosure: I consider one of the authors, Jennifer Margulis, a good friend and am mentioned in the acknowledgments section at the back of the book (just after Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.) as a medical freedom fighter and friend. However, that does not mean children are not being vaccinated. Though, as those rabid “science bloggers” love to say, correlation does not equal causation. There is no proof of that, and in actuality, there is proof of the exact opposite, as I have just written. If being out in the community poses a risk for them, then their parents must keep them at home until they feel it is safe for their child to reenter places out in the community. He talks about the possibility that children are “too clean” today, not giving the immune system enough challenges to work as well as it could, but doesn’t bring that point all the way home to the likelihood that successfully battling an acute viral illness or two could be the very best tune-up a sluggish or imbalanced immune system could receive. Never. I do in fact recommend books like this to people who say they are firmly pro-vaccine; in the past I’ve recommended Vaccines 2.0. It also means that if I’m developing a vaccine, I have to convince your immune system that the vaccine itself is a threat worth taking seriously. Much of this can be learned at http://vaccinepapers.org/part-1-immune-activation-autism. They have always found it in the human sequences. Although some people get mild side effects, both vaccines … It’s when regulators allow shots to be given to certain people while studies of safety and effectiveness are ongoing. Since persons infected with hepatitis B as infants are more likely to be infected for life, it is important to avoid being infected as an infant. It is several chapters later before he mentions the fact that studies have shown that obese people (and mice) have an imbalance of gut bacteria that leads their bodies to metabolize food differently, and that they can gain weight if they eat exactly the same thing that thin people do. We do not even approach that level these days, even if all the babies who sport a fever and a rash and test positive for measles soon after they receive the vaccine are counted. Just because it sees a peptide sequence that is also in a pathogen doesn’t mean it is actually a pathogen. There was a problem adding your email That’s why I was delighted to be provided an advanced copy of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan: Dr. Paul’s Safe and Effective Approach to Immunity and Health – from Pregnancy Through Your Child’s Teen Years, by Paul Thomas, M.D., and Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D. As a result, the body has a natural defense built up if you are ever to encounter the bacteria or virus naturally. The only verifiable evidence I know about is the evidence showing how damaging, sometimes-fatal, vaccines are…and that their failure rate is off the charts. I hoped that their book would be a necessary game-changer for the “wishy-washy” majority of parents, supplying them with accurate and empowering information that lowers fear of infectious disease and increases faith in their own judgment, thus providing the bravery to buck an increasingly hostile mainstream medical climate and ultimately resulting in a healthier child population. A completely neurologically and immunologically intact infant is one whose brain and immune system have not been altered by vaccines. Having watched a number of young people react very badly and listened to others’ reports of similar reactions, he has decided it is simply an unsafe vaccine and no longer recommends it to any of his patients. The only facts that can be reliably relayed at this point in time are that vaccines are dangerous, they cause grave harm, chronic illness, and permanent disability, they spread disease, they fail, they taint and derail the immune system forever, and they kill. It is given to newborns in case of undiagnosed hepatitis B in the mother (though if the mother is known to be infected, additional treatment is given to the newborn). Given these common peptide sequences, evolution thus had to create in us immunotolerant mechanisms so that the human immune system would not constantly be attacking self. It might be the body itself. So I came prepared at my son's fist appt. That said, I think the overall impact of the book is going to be extremely positive. Even cats living totally indoors require regular vaccination as they may be exposed to diseases in many circumstances (such as travel or boarding, interaction with other cats, the addition of a new cat to the home, and even viruses carried on your clothing). He talks about the delicious Merck-funded dinner where he was “educated” about Gardasil and the fabulous benefits it would offer to young girls: No genital warts! One way to affect the outcome is to change the food you eat, but that’s not the same thing as your food causing the condition in the first place – a subtle but important difference that helps people set about finding solutions without the fat shaming that is so common – and so destructive – in our culture. (Biopersistence and brain translocation of aluminum adjuvants of vaccines, http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fneur.2015.00004/full). It is the parent’s job to protect their child. Has he read Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych’s testimony in CA which completely refutes the falsehood that vaccines prevent the spread of disease? Vaccines are substances that prevent the spread of disease . I doubt you will find a site giving information as to what doctor is "vaccine friendly" i.e. Tim, thats a slippery slope even for someone like myself who has never participated in the vaccination program. Enter your email address to subscribe to the TMR blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The reality, like most realities, is far more nuanced with the majority of parents falling in a category that I’ve been known to call “wishy-washy”: Approximately one-third of all parents of young children in the United States believe that vaccines cause autism, and three-quarters think that parents should have the final say on whether to vaccinate their children or not. The book’s subtitle describes the content of the book rather well. Nor is he mentioning what the very old science is telling us regarding allergies. That is unacceptable. Vaccine definition, any preparation used as a preventive inoculation to confer immunity against a specific disease, usually employing an innocuous form of the disease agent, as killed or weakened bacteria or viruses, to stimulate antibody production. Approximately 40% have denied or delayed at least one vaccine for their children, and as of July 2015, uptake for all three doses of the HPV vaccine, which has been on the CDC-recommended schedule for girls 11 and up since 2006, is quite low at 40% for girls and 22% for boys (who were recently added to the recommended list), all while the number of so-called personal belief vaccine exemptions remains at about 1.8%. What those children need, like children everywhere, is clean drinking water, nutritious food (and not the GMO-pesticide-chemical-laden “food” sent by U.S. “aide” missions, which again, adds insult to injury), and proper hygiene and sanitation in the areas in which they live. And children in his practice has zero cases of measles a year there, ” to... Tried searching and nothing ever comes up in actuality, there were approximately 3-4 million cases of measles year!, it is my LEGAL right to make that decision optimal plan ( e.g lifestyle, and we the... 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