kira talent interview questions examples

I am a keen observer with a great memory which allows me to recall unique solutions or ideas. Please supplement with questions specific to your field and/or experiences. - What is the company's primary goal for this position in the next 12 months? Tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision? "I would say that I use my sense of humor often at work but in a good-natured way. "I believe that every engineering/construction professional should have strong attention to detail, be a bit of a perfectionist, and be able to multitask. With an additional 62 professionally written interview answer examples. ", "I feel that my current employer pays me fairly; however, I would like to see an increase in pay with an increase in responsibilities. Over 80% of my interview questions came from the exhaustive list! However, the good news is that all you need to know to prepare for your interview is well documented in Kira’s Applicant Help Center. Why or why not? I interviewed at Kira Talent (Toronto, ON) in July 2016. I did not know it was happening, and I certainly did not ask anyone to work outside of their scheduled shift. If by any chance you are not satisfied with our Kira Talent Interview Questions Pack, just send us a mail back stating a reason for the same, &. ", "If you feel that your performance in the interview is not going well: "I am not sure if I have been able to portray myself 100% accurately in this interview; although, I am trying my best. Also, what types of career growth opportunities would follow this position? Tell me about a time when you worked successfully as a part of a team. - Ability to work well in a diverse environment I can easily say that I am much more well prepared now. "Just last week, a customer called our design team because he was unhappy with a particular design we were creating for him. If your interview were a flop, you would know, and it's much better to address outright your performance than try to sweep it under the rug. The last thing an interviewer wants to hear is a list of questions you could have found the answers to from merely watching a video on their company site! How did you prioritise? "I have taken a variety of coursework related to the construction and engineering industry. This question will help the interviewer to assess your commitment to the company and industry. Feel free to ask as many of these as you like or none at all. I would be happy to get a head start on anything required for me to be successful in this position.". We have thousands of questions and answers created by interview experts. Congratulations! - Patience Please record the video on the Kira Talent platform following the questions below: 1. The practice questions in Kira allow you to get familiar with the platform and to double-check that your device is set up properly. You need to have a specific strategy for answering any type of question, managing stress, perfect presentation, and fluent conversation. Tell me about a time when you and another individual had to compromise to reach an agreement. Application. Also, I hope that my graduate degree gives me a little boost in experience over the required undergraduate degree.". - When would you like to have this position filled? Asked technical/business questions. Talk to the interviewer about any related experience and what it has taught you when it comes to smart hiring. Your link will be also available on your dashboard within the application system. Some of my co-workers wanted to falsify our time sheets to reflect overtime hours that we did not work. Performance management and coaching experience will set you apart in the interview process. Briefly, describe a time when you resolved a customer service issue. Mostly because of how foreign the entire “Kira video interview” concept is to most first-time applicants. The Kira Talent Video Interview is a fairly recent phenomenon and is considered a convenient way of interviewing applicants. You can't prepare by reading a book, reviewing sample questions online or practicing with family and friends. At this point, I have taken coursework in fatigue management, reporting, safe lifting, alcohol and drug awareness, and PPE guidelines.". Directors of talent are responsible for talent management initiatives, including creating a talent pool, building development plans and identifying future stars in internal teams. I’m sure you’re wondering about the whole format of interviewing applicants, so let’s read ahead to have a look at how the entire process takes place along with what needs to be kept in mind before beginning with the interview. We spoke further and, in the end, he was feeling uncomfortable not being a part of the decision-making every step of the way. Schools usually also send the videos of your interview to the alumni and AdCom to have them gauge whether or not you’d be a good fit for the school. In addition to my Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, I also have a Project Management certificate. Read our Terms of Use for more information >. Hence, here are a couple of tips you can keep in mind to help prepare for the video interview: Via the Kira talent MiM Interview Questions Pack you get an ebook which contains the following: The ebook would be available to you instantly, & will be sent to your inbox via email. In your answer, explain what steps you take to ensure that you're asking appropriate interview questions for a specific role. Below is a list of commonly asked interview questions. All jokes aside, yes - I do consider myself to be very organized. Rotman Video Essays. Not only are you supposed to make sure your answers are well-framed and good enough, but you also have to keep a check on other factors such as presentation, nerves etc. The platform includes stock practice questionsthat will be used, by default, for any assessments not associated with a custom practice assessment. The process took 2 weeks. If you feel that your performance in the interview is going well: "I believe that this interview has been quite informative and I am happy with my performance. ", "Even as a child, my mom would tease me about my organizational skills. To me, it's all about drive and ability to be a quick study. It's an organized technique that has worked incredibly well for me.". How would you explain Facebook to your grandma? "Although I have five years' experience vs. eight years' experience I can do this job well. Talk to the interviewer about a time when you overcame the temptation to be dishonest. Moreover, schools such as Imperial and EDHEC only have a Kira Interview for their applicants instead of it being a two-step process wherein the Kira interview is just a part of the process. - Resourcefulness How did you reach the agreement? I have all of these qualities and more. Kira Talent provides a video-interviewing platform to small-medium sized companies in Canada and in the US. Shortly after completing your INSEAD MBA online application, you will receive an e-mail notification from Kira Talent with a unique link to complete 4 video interviews. How it works Waterloo Engineering has added an optional online video interview component to the admissions process. To many employers, the number of years' experience is flexible - so long as you have the results to show for the years that you do have. I would listen, empathize and reassure the customer that I am there to support them and resolve the matter. You will get preparation time for each spoken question, followed by additional time to give your answer. - What do you see as the biggest change in this industry over the past 3 years? I bring full dedication to forging a strong career in this field and look forward to bringing my knowledge to work for KIRA, Inc..", "As I am new to the industry I have not had the opportunity to attend many industry related courses or workshops. Rotman requires applicants to answer 2 video questions for their application. Poking fun or adding a sense of sarcasm seems to make things a bit lighter and more fun on the floor and allows everyone to shake off whatever's bringing us down and move on to the next issue to tackle.". At KIRA we know that efficiency is directly related to profitability. Australian National University (ANU) MOM Review, I Want to Schedule a Consulting Appointment, Get a free 20 min consulting session with our Head Consultants, Get Free Face time with our consultants across varied topics. This is a proven method of presenting successful Kira answers. Kira transforms your admissions process with on-demand, timed video and timed written assessments. This article includes best practices to consider when planning your practice questions for Kira Talent. The Kira Talent interview is divided in a video assessment and a written assessment. ", "I once had a subordinate that would perform work after clocking out. After each question is asked, you’ll be given an allotted time to prepare for the answer. It's always a great idea to have questions ready for the interviewer. The interviewer wants to know that you can diffuse a tense situation if needed. How did you share your position? Asked to explain programming concepts in layman's terms. "Thank you for asking - I do have a few questions. Find answers to common questions about Kira assessments, and get help troubleshooting technical problems. You will require an Internet connected Note: The camera will only start recording your response after the preparation time. Rachelle is a job search expert, career coach, and headhunter. My memory and years in the industry have exposed me to many types of situations and problems, so I feel I have a vast amount of experience to draw from, allowing me to be creative and effective in the way I approach any challenge.". I disagreed and was able to convince them that it was a bad idea and certainly not worth being fired over. I interviewed at Kira Talent (Toronto, ON (Canada)). - How long has this role been vacant? Interviewed using Kira's specialized video interview software (Flash-based, used a webcam). Here are some sample questions: Our interviewing professionals will gladly review and revise any answer you send us. Your application impressed the hiring manager, and you’re officially scheduled to interview for the internship of your dreams.. Now it’s prep time. Share your strengths as a problem solver, and your ability to come up with innovative solutions. Preparing for an interview is no piece of cake. Last year our retention rate increased by 24% once I began leading our hiring initiatives. VP Talent Management Interview Questions. Choosing Practice Questions. Tell us about a person or an event that has been influential in your personal development. Practice 31 Talent Plus, Inc. Interview Questions with professional interview answer examples with advice on how to answer each question. The interviewer would like to know if you have taken any formal education and training related to the engineering/construction industry. Continue practicing by visiting these similar question sets. Learn commonly asked questions to practice ways of answering these questions. Win your next job by practicing from our question bank. General questions: • Tell me about yourself. Follow-up interview was done over Skype. "I have approximately two years experience when it comes to leading and coaching other contractors. The office building is a house with a very cozy atmosphere. If by any chance you are not satisfied with our Kira Talent Interview Questions Pack, just send us a mail back stating a reason for the same, & we will offer you a 100% refund. Interview. There was a quick 1 on 1 phone call with the CTO, followed by a Kira Interview using their platform (which was easy to use). B) A short Video Interview will help you to distinguish y ourself in your own voice. Tell Me About Yourself. ", "Along with my five years working in this industry, I have worked in related industries my entire career. As someone who recently wrapped up hiring the summer 2019 class of interns for the Oakland Museum of CA, I have plenty of tips to offer on this topic.. First, keep in mind that an internship is a two-way street. So let’s start off by clearing the air on what the Kira talent video interview really is. "I am a great problem solver because I do not allow stress to cloud my judgment and mute my creativity. I am very immersed in the current safety standards for the engineering and construction industry. Assure the interviewer that you can stay ahead of project needs and predict any possible productivity roadblocks. ", Many employees will look for new work if they feel that they are underpaid and underappreciated. Assure the interviewer that you are a well organized and thoughtful planner. Is there anything that I can clarify for you from this conversation? ", "I worked in a retail customer care center and had to navigate angry customer experiences more times than I would have liked. Kira Talent interview tests how fast a candidate can think on his/her feet. Maybe you can see opportunity when others can only focus on the issue. Most students who are currently moving forward with their application process or are beginning to prepare for the entire process have come across this dreadful section of the application. In my most recent position, I was able to increase employee productivity which directly resulted in faster delivery time and increased profits. Explore expert tips and resources to be more confident in your next interview. Usually, the interview consists of 3–6 questions. If there is anything more I can clarify for you, I would be happy to do so.". Not only does it allow you some time to prepare, which is different for every school and could vary from 30 seconds to 1 minute after every question is asked, but also allows you to have practice sessions before going ahead with the actual interview. It should take you no more than 5 minutes to complete the interview (not including practice sessions). - Is there any reason why you would not hire me? I applied through other source. I was guided from the door to have a look around the place and the people during which I felt welcomed to start the interview. Alternative Payment Link (if you want to pay in INR), Check out what our past customers have to say. Looking for a More Comprehensive Help For Your Kira Interview? Talk to the interviewer about your experience when it comes to leading and coaching other contractors. Why should we hire you? "I admire the fact that KIRA, Inc. puts the safety of their employees first. Our goal is to create interview questions and answers that will best prepare you for your interview, and that means we do not want you to memorize our answers. Because I bring six years of project management experience, I am confident that I can predict, early on, the inefficient factors on a job site. These questions and answers do not represent any organization, school, or company on our site. Question Sequences With Question Sequences schools will be able to link multiple video and written questions to gather more insight on a specific trait or scenario. What are your career goals? Once you do so, you will further receive a step-by-step guide on how to progress with the interview. Have you ever faced a time, in the workplace, where you were put to the test when it came to your integrity? Do you think social responsibility should always take precedence over profit? - Is this a replacement search or a newly created role? Furthermore, Kira clients will have the option to pair any of these documents with a Kira question (either video or written) using our next new feature, Question Sequences. - Is there anything from my background and experience that I can clarify for you? How do you display those specific qualities? Employers want to know that you have a methodical approach to problem-solving. Interview questions and answer examples and any other content may be used else where on the site. Stay away from long drawn out stories. ", The interviewer would like to know if you are satisfied with your interview performance. Perhaps a co-worker has asked you to lie, or you were tempted to be dishonest on your time sheet when the boss was away. The situation was cleared up later. What was the outcome? The Kira Talent Video Interview is a recent concept and is a highly convenient way of interviewing applicants. This question is your time to assure the interviewer that you have what it takes to be a leader in the engineering/construction profession. These are all areas of strength for me, and I look forward to bringing these talents to work for KIRA, Inc..", "Here are some qualities an engineering / construction professional should have: What is your greatest fear about this position? What were the circumstances and what did you do? - Solid ethics Practice Questions: Access a comprehensive list of 45+ practice questions to become interview ready; Kira Format Tips: As Kira interviews are different from the traditional interview formats, you can check out tips on how to prepare for the recorded interview format. *Please note that this book is for solo usage only, any commercial sharing will invite legal action. - What is your favorite part about working here? Talk to the interviewer about your current compensation and whether or not you think it is fair. The number of questions, preparation time and response time per question may vary depending on your school’s requirements. Keep your answer simple and precise. I do my best work when my day's activities are pre-planned.". Lots of technical questions, asked about how to scale their web application. Interview Questions Pack you get an ebook which contains the following: Get access to 50+ Kira talent interview questions asked in actual interviews, with detailed tips on how to answer them, Tips on interview etiquettes by experienced consultants, An exhaustive list of 200+ probable video interview questions that have been collected from over 50 Kira Interviews, to help you prepare for all types of questions, The ebook would be available to you instantly, & will be sent to your inbox via email. When you list the top 3 qualities that every engineering/construction professional should possess you most certainly want to have personal examples. Talk to the interviewer about your experience in assessing project progress. I do have a recent certification in Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and am committed to applying that knowledge to a position with KIRA, Inc.. People who are upset want to be heard and respected. Talent Plus, a reputable consultancy that helps numerous Fortune 500 companies to hire new talent, typically interviews applicants over the phone.. Why should you fit with the WBB Program? This e-book will allow you to get step by step assistance on how to tackle the gruelling interview process with a trusted guide. The Kira Video Interview. With that said, I do have a certificate in construction safety and am CPR, and First Aid certified. They also want to see a bit more of your personality! ", "Before I begin a project, I will map out a project blueprint and timeline. - Ability to be diplomatic". I applied online. Want to Study in the Best Schools Abroad? In my previous role, I was outperforming colleagues who had 12 years of experience. If there are additional pieces of training and certifications that you would like to see, I am happy to comply. I review their work throughout the day and do random safety checks. Since you now know the gist of what kind of questions to expect from your Kira Talent Video interview, you can now concentrate on practicing for the same in order to tactfully be able to answer similar questions during your interview. Please give us any examples of your personal background, passions … I had every pencil etched with my name before the first day of school! All interview questions are created by and are not official interview questions for any organization listed on Interview. Keep up the good work! You also want to display to the interviewer that you put safety first. Because each behavioral interview question requires you to share a specific story that highlights your strengths and skills, thoughtful preparation can help you feel confident and prepared. If you feel you are currently paid what you are worth: "I feel that my current employer pays me fairly; however, I would like to see an increase in pay with an increase in responsibilities. Once you’re ready with your device, microphone etc. ", "If you do not feel you are currently paid what you are worth: "I know that I am underpaid compared to my industry colleagues. Generally, the interview questions given through Kira Talent are intended to help institutions evaluate your personal qualities, soft skills, and characteristics, determining whether you are a “good fit” for their mission, vision, values, and educational priorities.

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