hydrogen sulfide sibo weight gain

Do you have any other sort of little red flags that you use to determine whether or not this person is sulfur sensitive? I mean, hydrogen... No, I don't know. Well, certainly there is people that have like a lot of bloating or gut issues going on we use, again I mean, most of these are going to be Biotics products, they have something that's called Bio-HPF. However, the diet may differ. During his early years of work, he developed his interest and passion for researching and implementing alternative cancer therapies. And I was really impressed with his talk on hydrogen sulfide, and it's been something on my mind. You may also have other symptoms as well, such as rashes and pain. So how do those two fit in? High amounts of it in your large intestine can also result in health problems. Well, empirically, what I would say is, it doesn't make sense to me that somebody with a high methane SIBO who does the low sulfur process would have essentially complete resolution. So good old naturopathic protocols like that are always really helpful. Welcome SIBO practitioners to another episode of the SIBO Doctor Podcast and with me today, I have Dr. Greg Nigh, who co-founded the Immersion Health Center in 2014 after completing both the Naturopathic Doctor Program, and a Master of Science and Oriental Medicine Program. And if they are fine with the others, it's enormously important that their diet include them because, of course, sulfur is so important. If you have hydrogen sulfide SIBO, a low-sulfur diet is a much better idea. All right, it's okay. And she had all the symptoms of thallium toxicity. In this article, you will learn what SIBO and hydrogen SIBO are. Researchers are still learning about how to test for and treat this type of SIBO. There is no current, standard test for it. There sort of a picture of a sulfur person, that we sort of over time we've gotten to the place where you just ask a few questions and you just look at somebody and you say, oh, yeah, that's a sulfur thing. I just started talking and writing about this whole sulfur thing because I was so blown away by it. Now chicken, I have seen reactions to chicken much more commonly but I don't think that's a sulfur thing. Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO can cause halitosis and periodontal disease, fibromyalgia and colon cancer. Dr Nigh has spoken several times at the annual convention of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the National Conference of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians on cancer cell metabolism. Yeah, that's a good idea. And they actually in research use garlic extract to increase hydrogen sulfide production and it very rapidly does that, the garlic, so it's an interesting thing. Heart arrhythmias are also not uncommon at all with sulfur issues. So there's something about it-, Yeah, I like their stuff. And often I try the sulfur diet, because it's something they've never tried before. I mean, it's just been through many conversations with her and a lot of this is her original idea that I've kind of taken over and just sort of see how much it plays out clinically, and I think it does. I mean, because butyrate is pretty intense in terms of the smell and all that. Or they'll say, "I used to be fun in college, I did that college thing, but now it just wrecks me." And so we kind of cobbled together this protocol where we would radically lower, dietarily lower sulfur intake, and we would give this set of nutrients that could just sort of help speed the outflow of these various metabolites that we'll be talking about. And it's not like it fixed everybody, but a oddly high percent of people who we were doing this with, were getting either somewhat or dramatically improved, often within a span of like two or three days of being on this protocol. But not always. So anyway, we got garlic and eggs and onion and kale and those account for probably 85% of the reactive foods. And as with many that are listening (and those here on this podcast), we always look forward to new technologies, new approaches to evaluating SIBO, and whether or not there are applications to that in treatment. Why is it that SIBO has just these bacteria? So it's kind of like one of those things that can wear a number of hats. And so when we generate these toxic byproducts, they're symptomatic, which is a bummer, but they will get into the blood and the mitochondria in the disseminated cells of the body can directly oxidize those things to sulfate. If it's true what you say that we're up regulating hydrogen sulfide production, we first must up regulate also hydrogen. Well it's very often something that we do for SIBO, for methane dominant SIBO we give high allicin garlic. Traditionally, people with SIBO are often recommended to follow the low-FODMAP diet. So whenever people are saying a lot of things that match up sulfur and they probably are going to have an alcohol issue too. And also maybe say your website, although all of that is usually in the show notes. So we do infrared sauna, which I think is enormously important for detoxification. And then once it has SO4, the enzymatic action of PAPASS is this long named enzyme that translates inorganic sulfate into biologically active PAPS. Weight gain; Whereas IBS patients who do not produce excess methane quantities may instead experience diarrhea, pain both during and after a bowel movement, large and foul-smelling stool, as well as a sense of both urgency and weakness that follows a bowel movement. In addition to the previous response, I would suggest reading everything you can online (there’s more than there used to be). Yikes, H2S SIBO patients don't respond to a low FODMAP diet?!? But I have had, I mean, out of hundreds of people that have been reactive to sulfur and various dietary sulfur, I mean, one hand could count the people that react in any kind of significant way to meat. When SIBO killer-based protocols fail to work, the body may actually be CHOOSING to have gut dysbiosis. And so-. You bind up even a little bit of it and you're going to be messed up. Why you need to know about Hydrogen Sulfide dominance for your patients' gut health. However, research has found that low-FODMAP is actually not beneficial for hydrogen sulfide overproduction. I do recommend them a lot too. I'm assuming you do some stool testing. I can help you to address the underlying causes of your hydrogen sulfide and other types of SIBO, as well as other gut health issues using a system-oriented approach and engaging both patient and practitioner in a therapeutic partnership. Maybe there is no kind of sulfur issue. Dr Jacobi loved Dr Nigh’s talk on hydrogen sulfide and has invited him on the show to discuss sulfur metabolism and his unique ideas about hydrogen sulfide and sulfur imbalances. So I've been doing really pretty hefty doses of zinc. So yeah, there's other things that, it's more like symptomatically that we will do if we need. I think that's an allergic reaction to chicken. So mostly you focus on vegetables like you know Dr. Yarnell in his book in the... Gosh, I can't remember. So, I mean, if I'm thinking about an organism like methanobrevibacter smithii that produces methane that requires four hydrogen for the production of methane, and you're up regulating hydrogen production in order to produce hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO: What It Is and How to Heal It December 20, 2020. Once I naively asked, “How do you treat a common cold?” His reply was quick and has stuck with me since: “A cold isn’t the problem; it’s the cure.” Regarding the microbiota, I would not suggest that there is no such thing as dysbiosis. So we go, all right. The interloping bacteria is slowing down your overall food transit time, creating a back up in the system and causing weight gain. I mean, of course, I'm not sure with any of these foods, but kale, it could be the sulfur. I mean, there are very few exceptions to this. Small intestinal overgrowth (SIBO) is a common gut health issue characterized by bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine. But what I didn't really understand is, if they have a sulfur problem why reintroduce thiol foods or foods that are obviously high in sulfur? And recently, Dr. Nigh and I both presented on the SIBO SOS Summit that was put out by Shivan Sarna and has reached thousands of potential SIBO patients. We did fair and fairly. Very little sulfate is in our diet, it comes in these other forms and it's got to get to sulfate through enzymatic activity. She's at MIT, and she's written a lot about sulfur. Which is like, what the heck is that about? My experience is that thiol sulfur is not that big of a deal in terms of reactivity for people. Or would it not be the whole food group? I think cancer can be very closely tied into this whole issue as well, and any number of other diseases. How do you clinically handle the SIBO patient who has lost significant amounts of weight and can’t regain it? We talk to the king of SIBO about the lastest research on Post-Infectious IBS, Hydrogen Sulfide SIBO and Methanagen Overgrowth now known as IMO. And it was really shocking how many SIBO patients who come in with their test results and they're high on methane, they're high on the hydrogen, and we would just do this process and their symptoms all resolved, like they would just go away. This means neither you hydrogen nor methane was not elevated after drinking the solution. And so it's not going down the tubes so you don't run into the bacteria that can generate the bad things. So besides molybdenum, let's see some other things that we do. Yeah. And I'm not sure we can equate. I mean, I'm very curious about that link and I'd love to see this paper. If you are experiencing the symptoms associated with hydrogen sulfide overgrowth, there are a few things you can consider and do to help your body. So, I think-. And often after we do detox, kind of supplying a lot of molybdenum to displace whatever might be blocking that spot of the enzyme. I would think from even the ambient water, that bacteria would be able to extract hydrogen from that. Mitochondria are the power plants of our cells and so if they do not work well, we do not provide energy to our bodies well. Never fear. And, of course, also the people that have ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the extreme stuff, but not necessarily extreme stuff. So we had been using allergy research as a liquid, and we were happy with it, it was so provoking in patients that we would happen to do this really careful drop dosing of it, and it just was sort of a pain. Another one, it's much more specific and I think it's just a couple of sulfuric foods that they cannot tolerate. Right. So if we're not using theirs we use Apex as EnteroVite, which is another that works really well also. As sort of a byproduct of a disrupted metabolism that happened prior. And I think just displacement of the co-factors, molybdenum is a co-factor in the sulfite oxidase, it's key enzyme for getting sulfite converted to sulfate, and glyphosate can displace the molybdenum through chelation. And she had published a few papers that I read, and I was just sort of blown away by what she was saying not just about sulfur, but a lot of things. The good news is it’s fixable. What else? As you’ve already learned, breath tests only look for hydrogen and methane, not hydrogen sulfide, and can only diagnose traditional SIBO, not hydrogen sulfide SIBO. Completely different. So it didn't matter if they had digestive issues, so you just sort of-. And then of course, asking them about alcohol. But it's been very, very rare that I have seen a reaction to red meat. It's crazy. Just for those listeners who are unfamiliar with glyphosate, it's basically the active ingredient in Roundup, really toxic herbicide. And so we just expanded that, and of course, I've just kept doing my geeky thing and trying to understand what's really happening metabolically here, and what are the things that feed into it, and how does it drain out, and all those things. And molybdenum, I mean, we just need tiny amounts of it. ... this can be an indicator of SIBO but you really need to do a 3 hour breath test to find out if you have methane or hydrogen SIBO… So sulfur also is going to be used to build glutathione and it's going to build taurine, and CBS will generate hydrogen sulfide as another byproduct, but that is in the sulfation pathway. I can have a little bit of garlic but not too much because that's a problem. But certainly, if people have the sulfur symptoms, you can confirm that to some degree by asking them how they do with alcohol, they almost always will tell you, "Oh, yes, I can't do that." That's why I love talking to other practitioners because it takes all kinds, right? And they say no, they don't have any more digestive issues. Okay, so you have a patient that fits these criteria, and if I just summarize, it's orthostatic hypotension or low heart rate and potentially some arrhythmias, sort of reddish features potentially, not always. And we get good results, you get good results. I mean, of course, I forgot to mention the gut stuff. My “Blind” Treatment Experience . Sort by. Right. And that allows the cells to have access to sulfate. But I don't know the biochemistry that well. And then it works. Can order it themselves for personal use and stuff. And glyphosate strongly chelate zinc. So-. Wow, there are a lot of people that are reacting to kale, which is surprising. When I first started, I looked at the research that showed that high animal fat, especially dairy fat and high animal products actually increased desulfovibrio and bile acids as well. The problem is that this breath test is unable to detect a less talked about form of small intestinal overgrowth, hydrogen sulfide SIBO. But the problem is we have to have a constant supply of sulfate. Working with a functional medicine doctor, like myself, is a great option. Which led me to believe and I actually do believe, and Stephanie's writing a paper on this right now I think. Well, I'm waiting for Stephanie to write that one out. Yeah, I mean, that's all I needed to do, I guess. And of course, it's ubiquitous, we are all exposed to glyphosate. A final form of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is called hydrogen sulfide dominant SIBO. But we had the patient chew up, not swallow whole, but we have them chew the tablet up twice a day. We need a constant ongoing supply of sulfate. Epsom salt baths. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Normally, most of our microbiome or gut bacteria (both good and bad) reside in our large intestine. Hydrogen sulfide is a dilator and so you get people who have orthostatic hypotension, they are more likely to have low heart rate as opposed to higher heart rate. For those affected with SIBO, we see an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. So how do you reconcile that? However, when it occurs in high amounts due to a bacteria overgrowth in your small intestine, it becomes very problematic. However, leading SIBO doctor Allison Siebecker cautions about using the elemental diet with the hydrogen sulfide type of SIBO… According to Dr. Greg Nigh, ND, a temporary sulfur elimination diet will need to be employed as well as targeted supplementation to assist with underlying issues related to sulfate production. Hydrogen sulfide is a third form of gas that is commonly present among patients with SIBO. But generally, if they check enough boxes on that they're allergic to sulfur drugs, and they have a hard time with alcohol and they have a hard time with, we ask them about high sulfur foods. Are they're really reactive into individual foods? Dr Jacobi loved Dr Nigh’s talk on hydrogen sulfide and has invited him on the show to discuss sulfur metabolism and his unique ideas about hydrogen sulfide and sulfur imbalances. The way I think of it, it's an evolutionary organism that we've evolved with that is not linked to any sort of pathogenicity other than constipation. Hydrogen sulfide is the third most common gas in those with SIBO, yet, there is less research on it making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. And actually something that I'll just want to speak to right quickly, and that is about thiols. report. But like I would think more maybe histamines with wine and things like that. Okay, so let's kind of dive right in, just a little bit more of a preliminary sort of stage setting. This integration allows her to address the source of each patient’s illness and to treat a vast array of ailments and medical conditions. Your body uses sulfur in its cells and microbiome. So when you look that up it's all like fatigue and all kinds of things. It is associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as elevated hydrogen sulfide is toxic to the mitochondria. Thank you so much. Most people are highly reactive to one, two, maybe three sulfur sources, and they do fine with the others. So the point is that there's a pool of sulfate that the body needs to fill up and once it's there, it's not going to get any higher. But with meat, it just seems odd to me that as the highest source of sulfur, it's not a big source of reaction. 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