bipolar pregnant reddit

We went off meds but she said to reach out if I feel like I need something because there was something safer to try. I get major anxiety thinking about coming clean off my meds for the baby. Most of all be kind to yourself. We have a really great piece of the internet due to users like all of you sharing your struggles and offering support. It is doable but watch for PPD as we are more at risk. I will never. This also includes requests for research participants and any self-promotion/donation links, No memes or infographics link posts unless it's Friday. I am so happy to hear that. As soon as I started winding down from my worst ever, show-stopping, record-breaking manic binge, a bleak depression set in. Be a part of something that cares about who you are. No harassment or abusive language will be tolerated. Bipolar disorder occurs in childbearing women and onset of symptoms may be during pregnancy or after the birth of a baby. We are a community here not just a help page. As far as i remember pregnancy stabilizes females. Pregnancy in general seems to level me out though. A pregnant mom is choosing to prioritize her mental health when her baby is born, and that means choosing formula over breastfeeding. This is something that we are also going to play by ear, and if it happens, there's going to be no guilt because I know my mental health is important for my child, but I really hope I will have the opportunity to breastfeed! Just like every pregnancy is different (I've had light symptoms and never sickness while some mom's are having the worst time) your body and your mind will react differently than other experiences you may read about. I'm back to the dr not that long ago, and I feel a lot better. Objective: Clinical management of bipolar disorder (BPD) patients during pregnancy is a major challenge. I am a 26 y/o female thinking about getting pregnant. I'm working with my psych and regular doctor. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. A safe haven for bipolar related issues. I'm getting about 6 hours of sleep a night, going to bed at a reasonable hour, and getting up early. I'm about to start trying for a bub and am worried as fuck, to be honest! Everything has been great. I'm 36 weeks pregnant and taking 800mg Seroquel xr- found out Harvard is doing a study on us pregnant BP's for outcomes in our kids. My experience obviously isn't the same as yours. Congrats to your sister! Hi! I loved being pregnant, and in retrospect, may have been a bit hypomanic. We're here for each other in ways most people probably wont understand so use it often. Before trying for my third, I got into the doc, told him my plan and tapered off my meds. Ever been pregnant with bipolar disorder? I know this is a topic that I would have to discuss with my psychiatrist and gyno, but I want to know if any of you all have been bipolar and pregnant or knew someone who was. It ended up taking me two years to get pregnant, so I did my best to weather the episodes and exercised like a motherfucker. Someone needs to stop this DNA from continuing. Cookies help us deliver our Services. In her memoir "Skywriting," television journalist Jane Pauley disclosed that she has bipolar disorder. I'm sure it'll be an absolute rollercoaster but if I can do this, I can do anything! Bipolar type 2 here and I have a 9 week old baby. You are doing great. Find out more about Bipolar disorder and planning a pregnancy. Press J to jump to the feed. So far, I've felt great. The illness appeared when she was given steroids for a case of hives, she says. Congratulations on your pregnancy! I know in my pregnancy groups that there are some bipolar or depression diagnosed moms who are really struggling right now, so I think there's no way to predict how you will feel. The oldest is an alcoholic father of 3. Put a lot of stress on the oldest one - he ended up finishing raising his 2 brothers. Any advice? Regardless of bipolar I or bipolar II diagnosis, women are more likely than men to report mood dysregulation after sleep loss and may be particularly vulnerable to experiencing mania or hypomania. 38. Pregnancy Family & Pregnancy. Some meds are safe, some aren't, you need to take the advice of your psychiatrist and weigh cost benefits. Never got it tho . We are a community here not just a help page. Curled up in the fetal position with toast on my pregnancy pillow that I don’t quite have the energy to bring to my mouth. 2 of them are parents now and regret it. I picture myself selling everything and being a hermit in the mountains, but that ain't gonna happen because it's a pipe dream. I can't think of anything worse. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I just feel like I am going to have a stressful time being pregnant, but having a baby is something I've always pictured myself doing. Wow, we literally take the same medication. It wasn't planned and I've always been unsure about having kids because of my moods and especially how can I be a good mom when there's sometimes I can't even take care of myself, but here I am, and I'm just going to forever stay on top of my mental health for my daughter's sake. Maybe if I catch it fast enough, it won't be an issue. FWIW, I didn't suffer from any post partum depression and being pregnant did seem to stabilize me. My sister is BP1 and delivered 2 healthy happy babies who both have gone on to be extremely successful academically and socially. If you have bipolar disorder it’s best to talk to your doctor and psychiatrist (if you have one) before you become pregnant. I wasn't diagnosed bipolar until after I had my first two, so I was only taking an SSRI which I stopped immediately when I got pregnant. Interesting Link. I was pregnant when I was undiagnosed and unmedicated. Actually super stable it's weird. Studies also make it clear that discontinuing medication during pregnancy have increased risks of a recurrent episode. I think a supportive partner is super helpful, not only with pregnancy but to support whatever mental health struggles might come your way during the time. I also breastfed while on lithium, it is safe look it up (consulted doctor and 2 psychiatrists). Things didn't get really bad until after I had kids, but during the bad years I thought it was just initially Post Partum Depression and then Major Depressive Disorder. He stressed the importance of working with all my doctors throughout pregnancy and assured me that, even with adjustments to my meds (especially in the first trimester ) the team approach with all my specialists would help me through it. I agree, I would never EVER choose to pass this hell on. Bipolar disorder and its causes aren’t well-understood. We're still deciding what to do about meds as I want to breastfeed, however I likely won't be able to be stable enough to go off meds. I was able to stay med free for over five years until shit hit the fan. For what it's worth, I love being a mom, and my kids have done so much for my good health. If you have a friend or family member with bipolar disorder, be alert for when they might go into a crisis and do not leave them alone. We are also aware that I'm more at risk of PPD, and I might have to get back on meds after giving birth which means I won't be able to breastfeed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Two of them have sworn off having kids of their own, and are in their mid-30s. The aftermath of full blown mania is a little like an alcoholic getting sober – the flashbacks begin – along with a slowly dawning recognition of all that has been squandered or destroyed. I'm just going to reach out for help as soon as I start feeling off though. In her tell-all Reddit post, the mother gave a detailed account of her interaction with a nurse who shrugged off her decision to not breastfeed. I think some meds are okay to take during pregnancy, talk with your doctor about it. As a mom she also continued to teach advanced English and was awarded teacher of the year in her district. Due to the overwhelming evidence that sleep is perhaps the strongest of bipolar disorder triggers, it is essential that people with bipolar disorder practice good sleep hygiene. But this phrase is wrong—bipolar disorder can kill. Objectives: Childbirth is a potent precipitant of severe episodes of bipolar disorder. Just remember that it's a choice to NOT have kids just as much as it is a choice TO have kids, and choose wisely - do not be on a bipolar high when you do. All About Pregnancy. Please report self-harm and suicide threats. You wouldn't ask a cancer support group if you have cancer, so please don't ask us. Mood stabilizers used to treat bipolar disorder include lithium (Lithobid), valproic acid (Depakene), divalproex sodium (Depakote), carbamazepine (Tegretol, Equetro, others) and lamotrigine (Lamictal). All 3 are alcoholics, product of their DNA, shit parenting and other issues. I am a 26 y/o female thinking about getting pregnant. I tapered off my lamotrigine in the first month and stayed on my lithium up until 3 days before I was induced. I am currently 18 weeks pregnant. I breastfed my last baby and it was great! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. During pregnancy, rates of mood episodes varied across the studies from 9 to 18%. I got stuck raising my biopolar brother's 3 kids when I didn't want any. Kids can't save you, kids are not pets and while the attention you get at the beginning will make you feel great, the letdown afterwards when the hubub dies down is really difficult for those of us with bipolar. … They've both told me to treat this as any other pregnancy other than I may need to switch medications for a safe pregnancy. I think if you talk to your psych about wanting to try, you could probably work on a plan to start lowering dosage and wean off so it won't jolt your body going cold turkey. When I die with no kids, ain't no one gonna care or even notice that I didn't have kids, but at least I can have a clear conscience that I didn't wreck some kid's life in something that is a choice. This is my experience, and I'm only about halfway done so anything could happen still. ... Log In Sign Up. Bipolar disorder & pregnancy Bipolar disorder & pregnancy Bipolar sufferers will usually have their first episode in their late teens or early twenties. Hey- new to this! Pregnancy can be a wild ride for a woman with BP. It's like my maternal instinct to care for my child overrode my desire to lie in bed all day with depression. A couple of things I'd like to share:-Before trying to get pregnant I was taking Lamotrigine, Anafranil and Wellbutrin. Just because you pictured yourself having a kid doesn't mean you should do it. We are a community here not just a help page. User account menu. Now I worry about my daughter because there have been many times lately I've found her staying up practically all night. Spoke with my psychiatrist about it all, particularly the medication issue. Ask them or talk to a therapist about it. Treating bipolar disorder during pregnancy is difficult due to many factors, the primary one being an absence of risk-free options. Find more subreddits like r/bipolar2 -- This is a community for people living with bipolar disorder type 2 (the whole bipolar spectrum is also welcome), their loved ones, and anyone wanting to understand the bipolar spectrum. I get major anxiety thinking about coming clean off my meds for the baby. Bipolar disorder is a serious mental health condition that affects around 2 per cent of the population. Some meds can cause birth defects; that would be my main worry if I were in your shoes. I don't blame you for feeling worried, babies are a big responsibility. I have BP I and don't usually have depressive episodes (I lie more on the hypo end of things) but I had one terrible mixed episode in 2013, which I got through, and another in 2014 which landed me on a bunch of meds. I absolutely refuse to have kids. Pregnancy, Postnatal and Bipolar Disorder are serious concerns for women, their partners and loved ones. I wasn't diagnosed bipolar until after I had my first two, so I was only taking an SSRI which I stopped immediately when I got pregnant. How was your experience? Be kind to fellow users. Keeping her on a routine has also helped keep me on a routine which has helped me at least as much as the meds, I have to say. They were a rocking mess from his mess and as kind as I tried to be to them, I live with a mental condition that even medicated is unpredictable. I hope she didn't inherit it from me. Structure and routine are great for managing this disorder, if you have the patience to handle kids. I stopped all my meds when I found out I was pregnant: abilify, Adderall and gabapentin because all were classified unsafe for pregnancy. Getting pregnant. My gynecologist and psychiatrist talked about them and also I went to a psychiatrist that specializes in mothers with mental issues. Engaging just brings everyone down. All of these medications are known to increase the risk of weight gain except lamotrigine. I was pregnant in 2015/2016 and they took me off my meds. A safe haven for bipolar related issues. The researchers say that doctors need to educate the entire family on the coping skills they will need to live with this condition. Family & Pregnancy. While that thinking is now dated, bipolar women often face tough decisions about how to handle their medication during pregnancy. I'm wondering how others have gone with pregnancy and if you have any tips. I know this is a topic that I would have to discuss with my psychiatrist and gyno, but I want to know if any of you all have been bipolar and pregnant or knew someone who was. Your comment helped a lot. I am the son of bp , but fathers side and he was not on meds when i was conceived. Either that, or everyone I came in contact with first pregnancy silently cursed future pregnancies of mine and they win. She suspended her meds while pregnant. At first I thought it was normal because new parents don't get a lot of sleep, but it just stayed that way after she was sleeping through the night. I guess you'd have to decide what that means for you. I've been taking abilify for 2 months now, gabapentin for a year, and Adderall since I was a kid. My sister who has zero substance issues but mental issues raised all 3 of her kids to adulthood, and all 3 have issues. Bipolar used to be known as 'manic depression', because people tend to experience extreme moods – both low (depressed), and high or excited (manic). Medications for bipolar disorder include mood stabilizers, antipsychotics and antidepressants. Off meds or on meds? I might be riding a high right now who knows.   Leave this cliche out of your repertoire. EVER. Work closely with your healthcare specialist, that's what she's there for. Each to their own, but just keep in mind that every day will NOT be a good day. Treatment Options for Women With Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy The literature is replete with review articles on the treatment of women with mental illness during pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant women with a history of bipolar disorder in the family or self have higher risk for developing postpartum psychosis, according to a new study. The risks of developing post-partum psychosis and depression are there, too. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You only get one chance with kids. Users aren't equipped to intervene. No "why did my bipolar SO/coworker/ex/parent/staff/boss do this?" I'm on Latuda now and it is safe for pregnancy, but ironically it also causes me to produce prolactin which makes it hard for me to get pregnant. I found out I was accidentally pregnant, so I stopped taking all my meds. I don't mean to systematically end my family, but believe me - my last name is common as hell. I plan on talking to her doctor about it since I remember having sleep issues as far back as I can remember. Press J to jump to the feed. This may be a first episode or the continuation or relapse from an episode prior to the pregnancy. I feel fortunate that both times I was in fairly stable period of my life and didn't experience any major downswings. We are not Drs so please don't post asking us if you have BP. This will help make sure you are on the most appropriate medication for you and your baby and that your condition is stable. I make sure to check in with my therapist regularly, and stay up to date with my psychiatrist. I'm super nervous about it all but the yearning to start our family is winning out! Short answer: No idea. Before trying for my third, I got into the doc, told him my plan and tapered off my meds. In this guide, we will look at the issues and treatments for a woman with bipolar disorder during pregnancy. I was raised in a house of mental hell by people raised in a house of mental hell who passed down their mental hell for generations. I'm currently taking paroxetine (aka Paxil aka Pexeva) and this can cause serious birth defects. At the age of 36, after decades of struggle with erratic mood swings—periods of mania followed by debilitating depression—and ample doses of anxiety and frustration, Julie Kraft, a mother of three, was finally diagnosed with bipolar II disorder in 2010. I raised them for 4 years until they were old enough to survive on their own, more or less. One of the most exciting yet complicated times for a person with bipolar disorder is during a pregnancy. My significant other is against the idea of me being on medication while pregnant. I won't have to worry about a difficult pregnancy or passing the illness on to the child. Totally agree. Thank you for your submission. Thanks for the insights. That said, researchers have noted a possible connection between family history and bipolar disorder. Pass this genetic swirl on. When people say every pregnancy is different, apparently they’re not kidding. Reddit; Wechat; Abstract. The revelation refocused public attention on the relationship between steroids and manic depression. Honestly I'm really scared about PPD because I really want to have beautiful first moments with my baby and I'm so worried it all might get ruined and be some miserable memories. Pregnancy and bipolar disorder When a person with bipolar disorder becomes pregnant, a delicate balancing act must be performed to simultaneously treat the condition and prevent harm to the baby. The high risk of bipolar depression during pregnancy encourages consideration of lamotrigine (LTG). Close. For some women though, giving birth will trigger their first bipolar … If you go to r/pregnant and search, I know there have been discussions about bipolar and mental health that you can read through to learn more people's experiences. Psychological problems A 2014 study by Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, revealed that the children of bipolar parents were more susceptible to psychological problems such as risky sexual behavior.. She says gone with pregnancy and if you have with your healthcare specialist that., product of their DNA, shit parenting and other issues only halfway., apparently they ’ re not kidding stay up to date with diagnosis! Out of your psychiatrist and weigh cost benefits is now dated, bipolar women often face tough decisions how. Now dated, bipolar women often face tough decisions about how to handle kids 'm getting 6! Management of bipolar disorder ( BPD ) patients during pregnancy encourages consideration of (! 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